Summer's Passing 2022

Posted by the Eldevin Team | July 29th, 2022

This years summer event : Summer's Passing has begun. All servers have been updated and players can now travel to Booty Island and earn vanity gear, pets, emotes, mounts and achievements!

Springtide Celebration 2022

Posted by the Eldevin Team | March 21st, 2022

When spring comes to the lands of Eldevin the bluppities start hiding their chocolate eggs throughout the realms! This years Springtime Celebration is now live and will run until the 11th of April.

We wish you all a happy Springtide and hope you enjoy this event!

Love Bites 2022

Posted by the Eldevin Team | February 15th, 2022

This years Love Bites is now live! Hunt the Loveless creatures found across the lands of Eldevin to collect new items and rewards until the 8th of March.