Waves Defeated

Arena: Waves Defeated

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of arena waves they've defeated.



Rank Main Character Account Level Waves
226 _Grace_ 33 4,609
227 Everae 50 4,584
228 Neerias 29 4,574
229 Bijou 43 4,572
230 AbruhCadabruh 46 4,572
231 FlowingWater 50 4,518
232 Wednesday 40 4,487
233 HESSISCH 36 4,476
234 LordofWarrior 50 4,412
235 Ponylicious 42 4,388
236 Mr_MoJo_RiSiN 35 4,301
237 M_3 50 4,279
238 Azrylle 38 4,237
239 DropBear 50 4,237
240 accord20 50 4,191
241 Sybil 45 4,187
242 foxie54 50 4,165
243 jkyle 43 4,152
244 Laetas 45 4,134
245 Valkayr 50 4,108
246 Zyndra 50 4,085
247 Mingo 36 4,084
248 Miinn 50 4,034
249 BlindJustice 50 4,034
250 Leania 50 4,018