Waves Defeated

Arena: Waves Defeated

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of arena waves they've defeated.



Rank Main Character Account Level Waves
6,501 Cornalinho 14 4
6,502 samanther 6 4
6,503 Blizzard203 5 4
6,504 GuikTelecom 14 4
6,505 Godessa 16 4
6,506 Alvajinwet 12 4
6,507 Christi4n 12 4
6,508 INTHARVSTR 7 4
6,509 NemoVoid 8 4
6,510 Harchrian 16 4
6,511 Gabrielle7813 20 4
6,512 Furever 15 4
6,513 chubby566 11 4
6,514 purple_duchess 10 4
6,515 Purple_Duke 12 4
6,516 Fartty 10 4
6,517 oooooooo000000 11 4
6,518 Cannab 7 4
6,519 Bambaryla 7 4
6,520 jok3r06 5 4
6,521 lavadad90 6 4
6,522 Boccia 10 4
6,523 LittleDrew41 11 4
6,524 _murica 17 4
6,525 sigly 5 4