Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
226 Hondo_XI 49 4,310
227 Johnatanlucas 50 4,278
228 christofort 47 4,255
229 Slabbergast 50 4,251
230 Cairath 31 4,239
231 Hell5 39 4,230
232 ernzor 50 4,223
233 LinDawg 50 4,223
234 Teranix 46 4,215
235 Ood 40 4,209
236 jfs002 45 4,205
237 LEGENDZFALL 45 4,205
238 Ranculos 45 4,190
239 PXT 50 4,165
240 Karnuza 46 4,158
241 Hibbs 30 4,140
242 Melody 40 4,117
243 CandyCandy 48 4,085
244 Pupsik 46 4,042
245 Ascahisien 40 4,007
246 HESSISCH 36 3,986
247 johndaymon 50 3,978
248 yourname 50 3,970
249 emofarmergagi 50 3,950
250 Kilgrie 34 3,939