Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
63,651 Lauriana 2 3
63,652 YumpoYet 3 3
63,653 Dawin 2 3
63,654 Tsengel 2 3
63,655 Fizzlepop 2 3
63,656 Corbillion 2 3
63,657 Galven 2 3
63,658 Eowwyn 3 3
63,659 Jazyk 2 3
63,660 Thrithr 3 3
63,661 bogazteka 2 3
63,662 Poision 2 3
63,663 Raffa 2 3
63,664 Silversword 2 3
63,665 Robinhoood 2 3
63,666 AsunaYoona 2 3
63,667 GingerAle 2 3
63,668 Mifrendor 2 3
63,669 Gibora 3 3
63,670 Azrael2083 2 3
63,671 Mintia 3 3
63,672 Etain98 2 3
63,673 Ragingpotato 3 3
63,674 BigNanny 2 3
63,675 Irisicles 2 3