Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
66,401 OmarLittle 3 3
66,402 UMBOB 3 3
66,403 Jubiscleita 2 3
66,404 Simplekoed 2 3
66,405 SkinnedFlame 2 3
66,406 Psycholove 2 3
66,407 Vanita 3 3
66,408 Greiyem 2 3
66,409 FallenFate 2 3
66,410 photixel 2 3
66,411 Kuronoasashin 2 3
66,412 bmwe36 3 3
66,413 Folset 4 3
66,414 VikingInAgony 2 3
66,415 zanaki 2 3
66,416 xXLillyXx 2 3
66,417 Lilixer 2 3
66,418 Aiglefin 2 3
66,419 pontel_gaming 4 3
66,420 Jogadoritz 3 3
66,421 Sir_Lemon 3 3
66,422 Zumiic 3 3
66,423 Njal 2 3
66,424 AlphaJoe 2 3
66,425 sodos 2 3