Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
66,751 Bobin 2 2
66,752 mooper 4 2
66,753 Alethia 2 2
66,754 Lavandiel 3 2
66,755 Toxan 2 2
66,756 idecay 2 2
66,757 Westy 2 2
66,758 Merchades 2 2
66,759 Greshnik 2 2
66,760 Bamak 3 2
66,761 Arcyon 2 2
66,762 ponyo 2 2
66,763 MCx1 2 2
66,764 MorganAnn 2 2
66,765 Dalprofon 2 2
66,766 Rakkija 2 2
66,767 Kysper 2 2
66,768 Pop 2 2
66,769 Bitey 2 2
66,770 Nateryl 2 2
66,771 Dratonian 2 2
66,772 Asantes 2 2
66,773 Rhazaghul 2 2
66,774 Rhys 2 2
66,775 Maeglus 2 2