Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
66,776 Rockler 2 2
66,777 Flea 2 2
66,778 Strezzkip 2 2
66,779 Chad 2 2
66,780 AZRAEL 3 2
66,781 Anthrix 2 2
66,782 Mac 2 2
66,783 Hoodz 5 2
66,784 Godfather 2 2
66,785 WindChaser 2 2
66,786 SirMoustache 3 2
66,787 Garok 2 2
66,788 Prezek 2 2
66,789 kurio 3 2
66,790 Aseran 5 2
66,791 Furious 3 2
66,792 Napad 2 2
66,793 Severine 3 2
66,794 TheKid 2 2
66,795 Borat 2 2
66,796 Oslo 2 2
66,797 PolikarpPL 2 2
66,798 Pook 2 2
66,799 Exomnius 2 2
66,800 bonesledge 2 2