Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
66,876 Saibreh 2 2
66,877 slayerx 2 2
66,878 Moiriam 2 2
66,879 Anteneko 3 2
66,880 JackKnife 2 2
66,881 Barryjuice 2 2
66,882 Hirgilanor 2 2
66,883 MariaSilver 3 2
66,884 Agnes 2 2
66,885 Niccodemus 2 2
66,886 Wartix 2 2
66,887 EdwardElric 2 2
66,888 MajorTom 2 2
66,889 SkyMonkey 2 2
66,890 Percy 2 2
66,891 Steeb 2 2
66,892 Hero_Of_Days 2 2
66,893 Lentik 3 2
66,894 Dzasta 2 2
66,895 Zerrk 2 2
66,896 Tinkonamero 2 2
66,897 Minarox 2 2
66,898 mortisha 3 2
66,899 Freya 2 2
66,900 Sophoklius 3 2