Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
67,101 Axubia 2 2
67,102 Falore 2 2
67,103 ArrowSnake 4 2
67,104 wutlol 3 2
67,105 Blujin 2 2
67,106 Hordred 2 2
67,107 Azsra 2 2
67,108 ShadowSun 2 2
67,109 Tori 3 2
67,110 flyerJ 2 2
67,111 Elentarie 2 2
67,112 Girith 2 2
67,113 underoath 3 2
67,114 Bila 2 2
67,115 Elav 2 2
67,116 bassdriver 2 2
67,117 Napakymppi 3 2
67,118 Endali 2 2
67,119 Ellth 2 2
67,120 Bresilla 20 2
67,121 Morbhan 3 2
67,122 Anitaviz 2 2
67,123 Karlish 2 2
67,124 linkplm 2 2
67,125 Vashta 2 2