Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
67,126 veganzombeh 2 2
67,127 SirBedrin 2 2
67,128 GeSa 2 2
67,129 LaTr 2 2
67,130 RavenLord 2 2
67,131 Dunderson 2 2
67,132 Araio 2 2
67,133 Cottexlol 2 2
67,134 Esmerelda 2 2
67,135 Kilana 4 2
67,136 Godchain 2 2
67,137 Davey 2 2
67,138 Cissnei 2 2
67,139 Moka 2 2
67,140 Rasen 2 2
67,141 Redless 2 2
67,142 NAYSAYER 3 2
67,143 Fetus 2 2
67,144 DadiKundi 2 2
67,145 Tapporauta 2 2
67,146 Sense 2 2
67,147 Axubia 2 2
67,148 Falore 2 2
67,149 ArrowSnake 4 2
67,150 wutlol 3 2