Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
69,226 unclejed 2 2
69,227 rogelia 4 2
69,228 Ghoragh 2 2
69,229 Diakratus 2 2
69,230 PullinHoes 2 2
69,231 Skab_Sunbane 2 2
69,232 Sylvir 2 2
69,233 Brendon 2 2
69,234 Lysianthus 2 2
69,235 elyssae 2 2
69,236 RyujinPk 2 2
69,237 SimpleSimon 2 2
69,238 Klunt 2 2
69,239 bleuvault 2 2
69,240 Bjain 2 2
69,241 TrueDoodleBug 2 2
69,242 ZaiRoOsVZ 2 2
69,243 Kytarria 2 2
69,244 skylord_dan 2 2
69,245 1hit95 2 2
69,246 Dampflok 2 2
69,247 slamtheham 2 2
69,248 Modisix 2 2
69,249 Ayleena 2 2
69,250 HBalzonia 2 2