Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
69,526 xNightMaihx 4 2
69,527 Valaerik 2 2
69,528 Artamm 2 2
69,529 Berengor 2 2
69,530 Tasco 2 2
69,531 DragonStorm 2 2
69,532 TreyarchMaster 2 2
69,533 CindyBreak 2 2
69,534 Snows 3 2
69,535 Foxycotin 2 2
69,536 Yoshimaro 2 2
69,537 Xanz 3 2
69,538 Gygax 2 2
69,539 Blaze332 2 2
69,540 JetteRyder 2 2
69,541 Menekot 2 2
69,542 Kenraali 2 2
69,543 Merindien 2 2
69,544 Oka_Weh 2 2
69,545 AliceInAnarky 2 2
69,546 FaissalZ 2 2
69,547 Ageto 2 2
69,548 Toborobot 2 2
69,549 Tomster 2 2
69,550 Tootsiepop 3 2