Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
69,626 Caellach 2 2
69,627 cannonball2000 3 2
69,628 Hoatzin 2 2
69,629 Eloki 2 2
69,630 LethalZ 2 2
69,631 Anarchaotic 2 2
69,632 TomuraUchiha 3 2
69,633 Kuzmaz 2 2
69,634 Gambit007 2 2
69,635 Captnasscrack 2 2
69,636 lil_goebie 2 2
69,637 DDexDragon 2 2
69,638 Itakecocks 2 2
69,640 Mewsus 2 2
69,641 RasThulhu 2 2
69,642 Trokar 2 2
69,643 WhiteMage 2 2
69,644 Oappa 2 2
69,645 KingNig 2 2
69,646 Naelun 2 2
69,647 Lianeh 2 2
69,648 Stevenpz 2 2
69,649 Flio 2 2
69,650 CheshireHat 2 2