Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
69,826 Escalla 2 2
69,827 Highsenflynn 2 2
69,828 NekosLaos 3 2
69,829 DRYID 3 2
69,830 Kornclown 2 2
69,831 UNCLESMURF 2 2
69,832 Russhin 2 2
69,833 LadyJunel 2 2
69,834 Thornedoin 2 2
69,835 kingpwntwin 2 2
69,836 GladiatorReyth 2 2
69,837 IgorBuriola 2 2
69,838 Tabu_X 2 2
69,839 naoseicrl 2 2
69,840 ph3 2 2
69,841 QueenApis 2 2
69,842 Demmye 2 2
69,843 alexwendd 2 2
69,844 TheRepublican9 2 2
69,845 Elegana 2 2
69,846 alexthep3 2 2
69,847 Piku 2 2
69,848 russ1970 2 2
69,849 AliBarkut 2 2
69,850 Wanie 2 2