Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
71,626 LoneWolf7755 2 2
71,627 BalefireBlaze 2 2
71,628 Vertos 2 2
71,629 kuronogantzer 2 2
71,630 Quagmillious 3 2
71,631 InhaleMH 5 2
71,632 Mynamejeff4234 2 2
71,633 AugustSun 2 2
71,634 Dibblemire 2 2
71,635 Evitha 2 2
71,636 ReverseFlash 2 2
71,637 Pasusu 2 2
71,638 luidiPc 2 2
71,639 Gotts 2 2
71,640 xZeit 2 2
71,641 Kuroshiki45 2 2
71,642 vampi 2 2
71,643 pandamooma 3 2
71,644 Tokko 2 2
71,645 Gorath16 2 2
71,646 KnightWarrior 2 2
71,647 Kullr 2 2
71,648 Finaltidus 2 2
71,649 mcMenor 2 2
71,650 Nashna 2 2