Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
71,701 Reuental 2 2
71,702 BenFuger 2 2
71,703 Kalamity 2 2
71,704 Chocolatecow 2 2
71,705 PokoDC 2 2
71,706 Lupu09 3 2
71,707 VXNerve 2 2
71,708 MissValentine 2 2
71,709 Juniorin 2 2
71,710 Adorelle 2 2
71,711 Abyssmallegion 3 2
71,712 xotaaumx 2 2
71,713 CharlesArcane 2 2
71,714 Avine 2 2
71,715 assandtits 2 2
71,716 escuridao2 2 2
71,717 Tjilf 2 2
71,718 Nickolous 3 2
71,719 IzuMalforge 2 2
71,720 FatalWalker 3 2
71,721 Blakrion 2 2
71,722 Brzozownik 2 2
71,723 leandropatrick 2 2
71,724 Z_A_X 3 2
71,725 Frekas 2 2