Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
71,751 KennryWind 2 2
71,752 Ais 2 2
71,753 BoBoWinL 2 2
71,754 Fluffinater 2 2
71,755 Peat 2 2
71,756 Sampinator 2 2
71,757 Reuental 2 2
71,758 BenFuger 2 2
71,759 Kalamity 2 2
71,760 Chocolatecow 2 2
71,761 PokoDC 2 2
71,762 Lupu09 3 2
71,763 VXNerve 2 2
71,764 MissValentine 2 2
71,765 Juniorin 2 2
71,766 Adorelle 2 2
71,767 Abyssmallegion 3 2
71,768 xotaaumx 2 2
71,769 CharlesArcane 2 2
71,770 Avine 2 2
71,771 assandtits 2 2
71,772 escuridao2 2 2
71,773 Tjilf 2 2
71,774 Nickolous 3 2
71,775 IzuMalforge 2 2