Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
71,776 Abyssmallegion 3 2
71,777 xotaaumx 2 2
71,778 CharlesArcane 2 2
71,779 Avine 2 2
71,780 assandtits 2 2
71,781 escuridao2 2 2
71,782 Tjilf 2 2
71,783 Nickolous 3 2
71,784 IzuMalforge 2 2
71,785 FatalWalker 3 2
71,786 Blakrion 2 2
71,787 Brzozownik 2 2
71,788 leandropatrick 2 2
71,789 Z_A_X 3 2
71,790 Frekas 2 2
71,791 WickedWhite 2 2
71,792 EsCuRiDao1 2 2
71,793 Madus 3 2
71,794 Aymer 2 2
71,795 Zohl 2 2
71,796 SurfCool 3 2
71,797 maskerilyas 2 2
71,798 Fagulha 2 2
71,799 genilsonBRASIL 2 2
71,800 Besayah 2 2