Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
71,801 Sydney_Sierota 2 2
71,802 Kolijiwa 2 2
71,803 Irena 3 2
71,804 Gaiahemp 2 2
71,805 Kreegen 2 2
71,806 Tirriv 2 2
71,807 Edvirjes 4 2
71,808 Nameless1 2 2
71,809 Rizar 2 2
71,810 Fanafahnya 4 2
71,811 Steelmagnum 2 2
71,812 Rowennia 4 2
71,813 Smeak 3 2
71,814 Cartam 3 2
71,815 TrueDreame 2 2
71,816 Nviera 2 2
71,817 EurisBr 2 2
71,818 Kalandrae 2 2
71,819 Severra 2 2
71,820 Greybush 2 2
71,821 Borrat 3 2
71,822 moist_duckfeet 2 2
71,823 LoveKing29 2 2
71,824 Polsan 2 2
71,825 Valior 3 2