Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
71,826 Duckless 2 2
71,827 Arlas 3 2
71,828 Knightmoves 2 2
71,829 Zanzahaar 3 2
71,830 Fox99 3 2
71,831 Balduar 3 2
71,832 Sydney_Sierota 2 2
71,833 Kolijiwa 2 2
71,834 Irena 3 2
71,835 Gaiahemp 2 2
71,836 Kreegen 2 2
71,837 Tirriv 2 2
71,838 Edvirjes 4 2
71,839 Nameless1 2 2
71,840 Rizar 2 2
71,841 Fanafahnya 4 2
71,842 Steelmagnum 2 2
71,843 Rowennia 4 2
71,844 Smeak 3 2
71,845 Cartam 3 2
71,846 TrueDreame 2 2
71,847 Nviera 2 2
71,848 EurisBr 2 2
71,849 Kalandrae 2 2
71,850 Severra 2 2