Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
71,951 Vegas3T 2 2
71,952 MaNqKa2000 2 2
71,953 Pisagor 2 2
71,954 guestloke 2 2
71,955 LilBigMacc 3 2
71,956 Fajri 3 2
71,957 LaSuna 2 2
71,958 Zerafeld 2 2
71,959 GoroDaimon 2 2
71,960 Dougod 2 2
71,961 Narn 2 2
71,962 noway2lose 2 2
71,963 dosun 2 2
71,964 ShmuelShady759 3 2
71,965 Sophie139 2 2
71,966 Batatinha01 2 2
71,967 Solussoa 2 2
71,968 Lunar_Dragon 2 2
71,969 Adean 2 2
71,970 Manjangos 2 2
71,971 Xnna 2 2
71,972 emillion 2 2
71,973 Joker707 2 2
71,974 Santa_Kaya 2 2
71,975 raulking94 2 2