Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
72,001 Xerlic 2 2
72,002 Melantha 2 2
72,003 yuplust 2 2
72,004 BLEARK 2 2
72,005 luzinMLK 2 2
72,006 Miticobr 2 2
72,007 gkitaso 2 2
72,008 SaltyShiro 4 2
72,009 Spekter 3 2
72,010 Oqueen 2 2
72,011 dootdoot 2 2
72,012 FartGod 2 2
72,013 Rumor 3 2
72,014 RicardoRA3D 2 2
72,015 Valsarian 2 2
72,016 Shwarzwald 2 2
72,017 Mammot 3 2
72,018 ZhanLong 2 2
72,019 Nibbit 2 2
72,020 Arkanna 2 2
72,021 Narwhale 3 2
72,022 LeroyT 2 2
72,023 Helvet 2 2
72,024 Bo0nsla 3 2
72,025 Yascrj 2 2