Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
72,051 Blizzah 2 2
72,052 Wyvren 2 2
72,053 Durindal 2 2
72,054 needox 2 2
72,055 SamFromDeath 2 2
72,056 Zotler 2 2
72,057 Inchman 2 2
72,058 Stastro 2 2
72,059 XiaoHuang 2 2
72,060 LordLiam 2 2
72,061 metazenex 2 2
72,062 Veltana 3 2
72,063 DrakkenShva 2 2
72,064 BigBubbaJnr 2 2
72,065 a27250432 3 2
72,066 xZachariahx 2 2
72,067 Potato3 2 2
72,068 Mdma992 2 2
72,069 moiaindio 2 2
72,070 RaffaMoreira 2 2
72,071 Spikerite 2 2
72,072 ManoB130 2 2
72,073 Agondar 2 2
72,074 Funerion 2 2
72,075 BrittMarii 3 2