Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
72,276 Opath 2 2
72,277 Kodazot 2 2
72,278 Hyrehorn 2 2
72,279 LordPlagueis 2 2
72,280 Liean 2 2
72,281 Kastevpadalu 3 2
72,282 zer05692 2 2
72,283 Nevdo 2 2
72,284 ThaFocus 2 2
72,285 MrDonerKebab 2 2
72,286 Eragon1 2 2
72,287 AinzOolGown 2 2
72,288 poocheese 4 2
72,289 iiCrai 2 2
72,290 vittt222 2 2
72,291 ForlornFreedom 2 2
72,292 Matek1234 2 2
72,293 Cleetus_ 2 2
72,294 cheesepuff 2 2
72,295 DustyPatches 2 2
72,296 Tranox 2 2
72,297 WBA 3 2
72,298 Arslen 3 2
72,299 Xaeona 3 2
72,300 Riflect 2 2