Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
74,126 Morvoso 2 2
74,127 Sorek 4 2
74,128 Darmor 2 2
74,129 Caylee 2 2
74,130 Darkshynad 2 2
74,131 Rossryan 2 2
74,132 Slash99 2 2
74,133 Fairu 2 2
74,134 BobBarker 2 2
74,135 WigaNatt 2 2
74,136 zyk 2 2
74,137 Senren 2 2
74,138 Onion_V2 2 2
74,139 Microsun 2 2
74,140 Karixo 2 2
74,141 15DiasSemCaga 2 2
74,142 XxmistyxX 2 2
74,143 MisterLarey 3 2
74,144 Storuu 3 2
74,145 Autentyk 3 2
74,146 Lulikka 2 2
74,147 Szilord 2 2
74,148 Stumi 2 2
74,149 Boscovitch 2 2
74,150 Kcud 2 2