Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
76,651 beastmodez 2 1
76,652 Aborjix 2 1
76,653 CendallMage 2 1
76,654 jagjagjagula 3 1
76,655 Xanathax 2 1
76,656 Exorak 2 1
76,657 Bendeco 2 1
76,658 DeathBanana 2 1
76,659 nenegamer 2 1
76,660 Boongus 3 1
76,661 BonggusDonggus 2 1
76,662 GingerSnaps 2 1
76,663 PhilMcDr 3 1
76,664 Rastarnsag 2 1
76,665 Eric_Storm 2 1
76,666 Ikabod 2 1
76,667 Reins 2 1
76,668 Beetwarts 2 1
76,669 Freezetwitch 2 1
76,670 crip23 2 1
76,671 uUmanty 2 1
76,672 OhhDayum 2 1
76,673 xSkyee 2 1
76,674 Kriota 2 1
76,675 Lowie 3 1