Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
176 thebossbrowne 50 5,611
177 Vod 44 5,583
178 Souls 50 5,566
179 SunkenOnE 49 5,523
180 gotan 50 5,509
181 slimman2 42 5,493
182 Alpharisk 44 5,477
183 Ainz_Ooal_Gown 26 5,472
184 knoepert 50 5,459
185 ramierz 50 5,455
186 Nickel 50 5,433
187 Sunset478 44 5,398
188 mlinkes 37 5,390
189 Laxavra 48 5,368
190 LMinh 41 5,363
191 randy42873 50 5,363
192 LolFaZeZ 38 5,355
193 Lilibeth 50 5,318
194 SmithnWesn 32 5,255
195 Louiston 50 5,228
196 Dalara 47 5,196
197 Kazdan 50 5,166
198 Eternalhaven 34 5,154
199 Robet 50 5,149
200 xrwiz 50 5,127