Champion Kills

Kills: Champion Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of champions they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
101 Zarnek 50 63,004
102 Raziel 50 61,094
103 CandyCandy 48 61,084
104 Maxx1945 50 60,547
105 LadyWidow 50 59,654
106 AliciaSin 33 58,621
107 Exilada 50 58,049
108 Rydell 50 57,160
109 Malo 50 56,892
111 swordhands 50 55,854
112 LaVentMort 50 55,328
113 Zita 50 55,285
114 Ranunculus 48 55,166
115 Someone 50 54,606
116 PaleRider 50 54,318
117 Vraagmenix 50 53,716
118 Habib 50 53,581
119 Crystal314 50 53,226
120 Rollton 45 52,866
121 Kaidraah 50 52,425
122 dannyp 50 52,065
123 Lilibeth 50 52,039
124 PanDaLV 50 51,774
125 mmhm 50 51,679