Champion Kills

Kills: Champion Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of champions they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
20,751 GeyBear 5 3
20,752 JeraldJacolbs 9 3
20,753 Tonystar123 6 3
20,754 lionbright 5 3
20,755 CARLOJEZU 6 3
20,756 Mochizuki 11 3
20,757 MagnaZaur 7 3
20,758 zTobin 7 3
20,759 IIShadowII 10 3
20,760 Versilov 6 3
20,761 eyn 8 3
20,762 VvKazutovV 6 3
20,763 Techopt 14 3
20,764 GGerald 5 3
20,765 Iruini 5 3
20,766 Redbeardk 9 3
20,767 italocentos 8 3
20,768 Vorgo 12 3
20,769 Aerina 6 3
20,770 Draklen 12 3
20,771 Frambuesa 13 3
20,772 cftn4cer 6 3
20,773 Coryth 7 3
20,774 Litningbird 8 3
20,775 Ciprian 7 3