Champion Kills

Kills: Champion Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of champions they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
20,801 corbase 8 3
20,802 Bun203 8 3
20,803 alexanderalex 8 3
20,804 HorrorPixels 6 3
20,805 Whisper119 8 3
20,806 Yanster 7 3
20,807 Sala 7 3
20,808 Oloka 7 3
20,809 Padraic 12 3
20,810 Dryder 8 3
20,811 BENFAI 6 3
20,812 Lenardee 4 3
20,813 Ereboz 7 3
20,814 Kotenbuns 5 3
20,815 cuba 6 3
20,816 Kartarena 6 3
20,817 gladius 12 3
20,818 Reinforcement 10 3
20,819 Otto_Flint 7 3
20,820 Q_MacQueston 6 3
20,821 AneM 4 3
20,822 Lainoserec 9 3
20,823 PorchMunki 6 3
20,824 Rabeq 8 3
20,825 Supi5000 7 3