Champion Kills

Kills: Champion Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of champions they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
20,926 Ovonauta 8 3
20,927 xBO2x_Lilith 10 3
20,928 Fritted 10 3
20,929 Manteigo 7 3
20,930 WerdnaF 16 3
20,931 S1lent 7 3
20,932 MagiaNegra 8 3
20,933 Zagvib 9 3
20,934 Vitruff 20 3
20,935 Santa_Homie 8 3
20,936 Valentulus 7 3
20,937 Slasherr 8 3
20,938 LordFarquaad 8 3
20,939 ecleann12 6 3
20,940 OldmonkBR 16 3
20,941 jamall69 8 3
20,942 Dervish 24 3
20,943 Warflinn 9 3
20,944 JihadiJohn 7 3
20,945 xKianAx 10 3
20,946 DungeonHunter 6 3
20,947 zangetto 6 3
20,948 Shora 14 3
20,949 Alkila 8 3
20,950 Fooz 12 3