Champion Kills

Kills: Champion Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of champions they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
20,976 KiraDarkchild 8 3
20,977 SpicyPeanuts 6 3
20,978 wolfpup21 15 3
20,979 cauldan 5 3
20,980 Azurin 7 3
20,981 XZAAVRIAE 8 3
20,982 Scribble 10 3
20,983 Lumberdiesel 16 3
20,984 xvwvx 8 3
20,985 Paar 7 3
20,986 HiczoBR 8 3
20,987 AdemeniozBR 10 3
20,988 Cedrus 9 3
20,989 Yvenn 16 3
20,990 Gedrina 18 3
20,991 KALEU 9 3
20,992 teotoritos 15 3
20,993 dreadknot4u 24 3
20,994 Morfeos 8 3
20,995 McFicker 6 3
20,996 Passer_By 17 3
20,997 unnamedweeb 7 3
20,998 Kiritoswgmst98 17 3
20,999 AirFight11 11 3
21,000 BlasphemyCat 12 3