Champion Kills

Kills: Champion Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of champions they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
21,076 Assiiral 17 3
21,077 Paleye 8 3
21,078 shawntheoden12 7 3
21,079 Aph3X 5 3
21,080 Steelarc 17 3
21,081 queitnes 16 3
21,082 Weirdow 10 3
21,083 Dougrs 5 3
21,084 Democrat 10 3
21,085 Avortor 10 3
21,086 LorenKay 5 3
21,087 XMimic 11 3
21,088 mutus 7 3
21,089 1BeepBoop1 14 3
21,090 maxwell71 10 3
21,091 JakOff 5 3
21,092 Calmblood 8 3
21,093 SeniorDusto 5 3
21,094 MistaMista 8 3
21,095 Nitris 9 3
21,096 JohnTravolta 14 3
21,097 WarlockBR 6 3
21,098 TheGreatSif 8 3
21,099 CoronaLee 6 3
21,100 XxXGoshty69XxX 7 3