Champion Kills

Kills: Champion Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of champions they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
21,151 AlgiuneLTU 11 3
21,152 yol0 7 3
21,153 osvaldim 8 3
21,154 Dageroux 8 3
21,155 Stelor 4 3
21,156 Istas 4 3
21,157 SGTTibbs 15 3
21,158 Zizyos 14 3
21,159 Nadock 10 3
21,160 Ivanishere2 6 3
21,161 PersioKLR 7 3
21,162 GirthBrooks 13 3
21,163 Mystery_Pie2 8 3
21,164 Zutano 13 3
21,165 Giatay 6 3
21,166 Seran 11 3
21,167 Bismaketing 8 3
21,168 JosephMN 6 3
21,169 Wildsushi 7 3
21,170 Yazuki 8 3
21,171 Jackabon 7 3
21,172 dingle314 14 3
21,173 Andus 16 3
21,174 Coffea 10 3
21,175 Curufir 13 3