Champion Kills

Kills: Champion Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of champions they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
21,201 Reiya 2 2
21,202 Ydaku 2 2
21,203 RainaJadis 3 2
21,204 GameJaxx 4 2
21,205 Vieric 4 2
21,206 Acuvav 2 2
21,207 Krishna 5 2
21,208 Dakron 3 2
21,209 Evil 5 2
21,210 Ridik 2 2
21,211 BigOStyle 7 2
21,212 Boran 3 2
21,213 Velos 2 2
21,214 Rhinsane 5 2
21,215 Barbee 2 2
21,216 Genex 7 2
21,217 Seigeftw 3 2
21,218 Rizzen 4 2
21,219 LaVieEstBelge 5 2
21,220 Brotok 2 2
21,221 RSlover 4 2
21,222 Lynton 3 2
21,223 Agatha 2 2
21,224 Masaburi 2 2
21,225 Insignificant 4 2