Champion Kills

Kills: Champion Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of champions they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
22,126 yui 2 1
22,127 PriestArgon 4 1
22,128 PinoYHenyO 3 1
22,129 Dcash 5 1
22,130 Yeezues 2 1
22,131 Antiledo 3 1
22,132 EleventyFive 2 1
22,133 MuffinBaskt 5 1
22,134 MsVixen 6 1
22,135 PokingSmot 3 1
22,136 Sybilla 2 1
22,137 Jellal 2 1
22,138 Farathorn 5 1
22,139 KingCudi 2 1
22,140 Aurioch 2 1
22,141 Mazoni 2 1
22,142 Infar 3 1
22,143 BuZzKiLL 2 1
22,144 sram 2 1
22,145 TheBeardedOne 2 1
22,146 LussyPips 4 1
22,147 Nostrophobic 2 1
22,148 Vugseet 2 1
22,149 SGOATR 4 1
22,150 Cassinator 3 1