Champion Kills

Kills: Champion Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of champions they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
23,276 Cellyo 10 1
23,277 Marcodermo 10 1
23,278 Allyah 13 1
23,279 Niltea 20 1
23,280 FruitKnight 7 1
23,281 Rfeiz 17 1
23,282 _REMi_ 8 1
23,283 Beforia 15 1
23,284 Klavierdieb 7 1
23,285 Joshooah 10 1
23,286 scortes1989 8 1
23,287 Spartans 12 1
23,288 Eneas 13 1
23,289 Grinix 9 1
23,290 Vidomina 11 1
23,291 Dee_Mage 13 1
23,292 Pezzza 7 1
23,293 PatrykExtrEmE1 12 1
23,294 Kazooie 7 1
23,295 NIGE 6 1
23,296 Ishana 15 1
23,297 Apelsinas 10 1
23,298 Keopi 10 1
23,299 Chimi 6 1
23,300 Koterar 13 1