Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
226 MEJA 50 1,679
227 LinDawg 50 1,664
228 Dasan 49 1,654
229 Aliarth_MAGE 47 1,652
230 Karnuza 46 1,634
231 BloodyBlair 50 1,621
232 Pupsik 46 1,619
233 Niteflame 50 1,616
234 Sharodika 50 1,615
235 Agro 34 1,610
236 WanderingPoet 50 1,597
237 Louiston 50 1,592
238 Kendall 41 1,572
239 Ladywolf 43 1,562
240 weah 46 1,554
241 Khrull 50 1,550
242 emofarmergagi 50 1,543
243 Malinda 41 1,515
244 Doja 50 1,508
245 christofort 47 1,498
246 Robet 50 1,489
247 Sator 44 1,487
248 PathOfExile 45 1,473
249 Satan 45 1,463
250 Dalara 47 1,462