Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
62,276 Artorgius 4 1
62,277 GusBus 4 1
62,278 VeryNice3 3 1
62,279 Narianah 2 1
62,280 Lagaz 2 1
62,281 KittyDingus 9 1
62,282 kreun 3 1
62,283 peporro 2 1
62,284 Guy99 2 1
62,285 Kelsureal 2 1
62,286 Oatarius 4 1
62,287 Ryan21700 6 1
62,288 Antanas 4 1
62,289 Auragon 2 1
62,290 PhantomRaven 2 1
62,291 Banshie 3 1
62,292 Hyzex 3 1
62,293 IAmChedzzz 2 1
62,294 Gawin 7 1
62,295 Arkaid 2 1
62,296 Qyburn 3 1
62,297 Gadeiron 2 1
62,298 cr8ze 2 1
62,299 Taemshok 4 1
62,300 reqien 2 1