Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
65,226 ih8people 2 1
65,227 Brash 2 1
65,228 TreeRock440 2 1
65,229 Kurotos 6 1
65,230 PLAYGAMES 4 1
65,231 Zexen 2 1
65,232 Keroze 4 1
65,233 Fatallity 2 1
65,234 Upsettius 2 1
65,235 R0YaL 5 1
65,236 Jamalettin 2 1
65,237 Bengil 3 1
65,238 Okeefe 4 1
65,239 PoS 2 1
65,240 Rhia27 4 1
65,241 Stubu 2 1
65,242 Tashiku 2 1
65,243 Figi 3 1
65,244 Punkerson 2 1
65,245 Yesar 4 1
65,246 Itzal 2 1
65,247 Zeven7 3 1
65,248 Luscas 4 1
65,249 SleepyFox 3 1
65,250 Lord_Dirlam 4 1