Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
67,701 Patria 2 1
67,702 WG_Player_Esp 3 1
67,703 Akinoshi 2 1
67,704 Adustus 11 1
67,705 Gilraffa 4 1
67,706 ImSoLost9 2 1
67,707 Hibikiii 2 1
67,708 Rektban 2 1
67,709 Mariya_Ivanovn 4 1
67,710 kingrajput 6 1
67,711 Quilyow 3 1
67,712 EmptyBag 3 1
67,713 BoTaVai 2 1
67,714 DADDYmordon 6 1
67,715 Hocks411 4 1
67,716 Bladesolo 8 1
67,717 Macoy 2 1
67,718 Batson 5 1
67,719 lordvitor123 2 1
67,720 RoseThorn 2 1
67,721 Omnomomgerd 2 1
67,722 HttpAria 2 1
67,723 Chiniq 3 1
67,724 FightingSpirit 2 1
67,725 diogosilva995 2 1