Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
67,751 jimizinho 2 1
67,752 ScarletSnake 8 1
67,753 Struggle 8 1
67,754 Lytalatha 9 1
67,755 SolInvictus1 2 1
67,756 Runebot 3 1
67,757 Adecc 3 1
67,758 Valcosian 6 1
67,759 Allaria 2 1
67,760 DaraXune 2 1
67,761 Aoax 3 1
67,762 SuperKaren 4 1
67,763 G3tLucky 2 1
67,764 _MrX 2 1
67,765 Boudicea 2 1
67,766 wojakfells 5 1
67,767 KaonTaeHuhuhu 3 1
67,768 Tressa_GH 2 1
67,769 Stefanoja 3 1
67,770 alexdude 2 1
67,771 Chickpea 2 1
67,772 Antiffyish 5 1
67,773 Irodim 2 1
67,774 Meneguel 2 1
67,775 UrJadar 2 1