Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
68,451 Rixian 2 1
68,452 Rekaito 2 1
68,453 Beerka 4 1
68,454 BlueHeron 5 1
68,455 VendettaV 3 1
68,456 Zombabe 4 1
68,457 Delacriox 2 1
68,458 kermi 2 1
68,459 Solthias 2 1
68,460 RynnChaoxx 3 1
68,461 Ursopeludo 7 1
68,462 Malfeitor 3 1
68,463 LordShao 5 1
68,464 Athelisa 2 1
68,465 jwoahh 2 1
68,466 TooWhiskay 2 1
68,467 ATG 2 1
68,468 LadyMari 4 1
68,469 trashshoot 3 1
68,470 Allazarel 2 1
68,471 CallMeLuxx 2 1
68,472 Hydrin 7 1
68,473 IMAN007 3 1
68,474 mrGarry64 2 1
68,475 retroukko77 2 1