Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
69,851 Sinor 2 1
69,852 Kaver 2 1
69,853 the_ghostxp 2 1
69,854 Achatado 2 1
69,855 YukiHawk 2 1
69,856 Eukarya 2 1
69,857 Danmago 4 1
69,858 DepressedJames 2 1
69,859 Jonas02 2 1
69,860 nerosgf 3 1
69,861 Noatake 2 1
69,862 WarthogStriker 2 1
69,863 Erzhybrid 4 1
69,864 1211tatas1211 2 1
69,865 RobertDowneyJr 8 1
69,866 MasonJones 5 1
69,867 Nashqua 2 1
69,868 illyanae 4 1
69,869 RameezGudeheim 3 1
69,870 OldSwing 5 1
69,871 JohnStrongs 3 1
69,872 Cutz 2 1
69,873 Apys 2 1
69,874 MariAstares 7 1
69,875 Loruin 4 1