Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
70,151 Kausus 2 1
70,152 cornmo_ 2 1
70,153 milkyfart123 4 1
70,154 Fartmachine 4 1
70,155 Mrblockscott 4 1
70,156 dumbydumb 2 1
70,157 Jeikaiah 4 1
70,158 Astraia 3 1
70,159 JareBear 6 1
70,160 DasCommizzar 2 1
70,161 DreamRunner11 3 1
70,162 JTTHS 2 1
70,163 ToeSuccer 3 1
70,164 Zee_3 2 1
70,165 LISIK 2 1
70,166 Ollin 3 1
70,167 Crystal362 2 1
70,168 assadg34546 3 1
70,169 pearlbush 2 1
70,170 lanina 2 1
70,171 Spacebound 2 1
70,172 RaposoLP 2 1
70,173 BarbatosLupus 3 1
70,174 JT_THS 3 1
70,175 Anguished 7 1