Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
71,976 Wiz3Max 5 1
71,977 SteamyShids 2 1
71,978 SaiGia 2 1
71,979 Dangeliono 2 1
71,980 Fussili 3 1
71,981 IntoSpace 2 1
71,982 ellie11014 2 1
71,983 AizKone 3 1
71,984 DarthHater 3 1
71,985 Eykes 2 1
71,986 paladear 3 1
71,987 Gruntilda 7 1
71,988 dopey5055 2 1
71,989 AlmondArtifact 8 1
71,990 Malicce 3 1
71,991 bakiyau 2 1
71,992 frmthdrknss 2 1
71,993 uncle_groomp 2 1
71,994 Redcaps 6 1
71,995 Yrreja 2 1
71,996 unhe 7 1
71,997 Seraphinus 3 1
71,998 lvranman 2 1
71,999 Graystarr 3 1
72,000 Shadoy 3 1