Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
72,026 Brumbles 2 1
72,027 Britishness 2 1
72,028 Reesa 2 1
72,029 LordByron 2 1
72,030 DumptyDbug 2 1
72,031 waterboy 8 1
72,032 Magistina 2 1
72,033 Veys 2 1
72,034 immagetchew 2 1
72,035 Pirikituda 4 1
72,036 Ichigo_san 2 1
72,037 Ezash 2 1
72,038 Netvojne 2 1
72,039 Jejayah_Reykr 2 1
72,040 RedFeet_Kraken 2 1
72,041 Fasdeku 2 1
72,042 Aoxodus 2 1
72,043 Hraesvelgr 3 1
72,044 adrianeon 2 1
72,045 Suhveer 3 1
72,046 Hambo 7 1
72,047 DavidOgalde 2 1
72,048 Fiendo 2 1
72,049 rachy 2 1
72,050 Exceede 6 1