Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
72,051 Buddles 4 1
72,052 Stormmy 5 1
72,053 Lasarinii 4 1
72,054 Brumbles 2 1
72,055 Britishness 2 1
72,056 Reesa 2 1
72,057 LordByron 2 1
72,058 DumptyDbug 2 1
72,059 waterboy 8 1
72,060 Magistina 2 1
72,061 Veys 2 1
72,062 immagetchew 2 1
72,063 Pirikituda 4 1
72,064 Ichigo_san 2 1
72,065 Ezash 2 1
72,066 Netvojne 2 1
72,067 Jejayah_Reykr 2 1
72,068 RedFeet_Kraken 2 1
72,069 Fasdeku 2 1
72,070 Aoxodus 2 1
72,071 Hraesvelgr 3 1
72,072 adrianeon 2 1
72,073 Suhveer 3 1
72,074 Hambo 7 1
72,075 DavidOgalde 2 1