Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
72,126 Feign420 2 1
72,127 Nemesiss 2 1
72,128 LambbChops 5 1
72,129 RedMarmot 2 1
72,130 DisguisedMage 5 1
72,131 Koqp 3 1
72,132 Tahirul 2 1
72,133 Arcaive 3 1
72,134 OokamiYasha 2 1
72,135 baja 5 1
72,136 GingerRugBurn 2 1
72,137 Judy 2 1
72,138 Fjordlander 4 1
72,139 Xrrt 2 1
72,140 KasterSlade 2 1
72,141 Larfurion 3 1
72,142 Charllote 6 1
72,143 Angiebe 2 1
72,144 IllegallyBlond 2 1
72,145 Garbious 3 1
72,146 Keras 4 1
72,147 Raashea 2 1
72,148 FancyTheGoblin 2 1
72,149 Tylandia 4 1
72,150 Aethelon 2 1